Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trip to Pulau Lang Tengah

eventually, this is not a totally scuba trip, but for the intro just to add our group holiday somewhere in July 2007. Scuba? yes we do.. all of us drown including our big man Mr BOB, size does matter huh? recoding to my dive log, we make 3 fun dive, two time from dive center and from boat. they were have so much fun, even this is there first dive. Clear visibility about 5-10 m, smooth underwater current and awesome marine life. the coral so beautiful but sadly I'm not carrying any underwater camera that time, the guys diving and the girl scrambling all day long...


Restnrileks said...

restnrileks drops by after being notified by "lakaran hati"

Great that you are into blogging now.. Hopefully, this blog will pick up its pace as "Lakaran Hati" does now.

It does take time for a blog to reach maturity, so dont give up..

ahak ahak..
ohh sudah ilang tu artwork yer?


happy friday dude..

@e_da said...

hehehhee... kena "jawab" iteww "artwork.. hehhehe

happpy blogging dear...

captain joy said...

hi .. waa thankyu for leave yr comments, any tips and advise really appreciates, hope this blog will successful much as rest'n'releks and others, please do guide me sifoo!, and for the art work Mr. Rizal Im vary sorry to dis pointed you, its sad snob..snob.. everything burn .. huhu :(

Yaya said...

wahhh ajoy dah ade blog ler..syabasssss he he, happy blogging fren

Restnrileks said...

itu artwork sudah hilang?

wah lappy baru laa boleh beli..

nampak gaya.. nanti ada jugak yang nak mintak lappie baru yer..

dgr chiter.. pink kaler lagi.. ahak ahak ahak